Empower your online presence with our biolink pages

AlphaBull's PublicCompany.us Linq Monster not only builds custom biolink pages, but also provides link shortening and retargeting services. This allows you to make the most out of every link you share, increasing engagement and conversions. Sign up and find out how Linq Monster can optimize your link strategy.

Easily create and personalize your branded biolink page on Linq Monster in just minutes.

Easily integrate all your social media platforms, website, store, podcasts, events, and more into one landing page using Linq Monster's bio link feature. This optimized page is designed to drive conversions and maximize engagement with your audience.

Share your Linq Monster page on your Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and other social media

You can easily integrate your personalized Linq Monster URL to all the platforms where your audience is present, and even use the QR code to direct offline traffic to your online page.

Analyze your audience to gain insights and keep your followers engaged with Linq Monster.

Track the engagement of your audience, monitor revenue, and identify what is converting them. Keep them engaged and coming back by making informed updates on the fly.

Choose the plan
that works for you

Transparent pricing without any hidden fees so you always know what you will pay.


$999 Lifetime


$2222 Lifetime


$3500 Lifetime

Ready to get started on Linq Monster?

It's fast, free and very easy!